Inspiration Partner

Patent Litigation

Patent litigation is notoriously expensive. We strive to resolve disputes efficiently and with detailed budget reports to avoid surprises. As well, we leverage technology to simplify discovery, service, and filing of materials with the Court. Our lean approach means that we do not over-staff your file.

Our lawyers have acted as counsel and lead counsel prosecuting and defending patent complaints, and have handled cases through all stages, including motions, trials, and appeals, and in all the Canadian courts where IP disputes are litigated.

We have significant experience working with expert witnesses in various technology areas to ensure that your case is presented effectively to the Court, and that cross-examinations (depositions) are conducted or defended effectively.

If you want to pursue or defend a patent litigation case, please contact us for an evaluation of your unique circumstances.



Patent Litigation

Patent litigation is notoriously expensive. We strive to resolve disputes efficiently and with detailed budget reports to avoid surprises. As well, we leverage technology to simplify discovery, service, and filing of materials with the Court. Our lean approach means that we do not over-staff your file.

Our lawyers have acted as counsel and lead counsel prosecuting and defending patent complaints, and have handled cases through all stages, including motions, trials, and appeals, and in all the Canadian courts where IP disputes are litigated.

We have significant experience working with expert witnesses in various technology areas to ensure that your case is presented effectively to the Court, and that cross-examinations (depositions) are conducted or defended effectively.

If you want to pursue or defend a patent litigation case, please contact us for an evaluation of your unique circumstances.

To become a Patent Litigation client, please contact:

Yuri Chumak